Event Description
The 2023 CSU SPRING DANCE CONCERT will celebrate dance on the Allen Theatre mainstage March 10-12, 2023. The concert will include works by CSU dance faculty, Chrissy Martin; guest artists: Rena Butler, Talise Campbell, Dianne McIntyre, and Tyler Ring; featuring performances by the CSU Dance Company & Dance Group with special guests: GroundWorks DanceTheater and Djapo Cultural Arts Institute.
Code Details
1SEN - $10.00 Seniors 65+
NST - $8.00 Non-CSU student (w/School ID)
STUCSU - $5.00 CSU Student (w/ID)
ALUCSU - $5.00 CSU Alum
FAC - $5.00 CSU Faculty/Staff (w/ID)