Playhouse Square’s annual Jump Back Ball is one of the “can’t miss” events in Northeast Ohio, and this year’s sold-out, sweet soiree is shaping up to be a real treat for attendees. Hosted by the organization’s young professionals group Partners, Jump Back Ball raises funds to support Playhouse Square’s not-for-profit mission and educational programming that benefits more than 100,000 students throughout the region.
This year’s event is taking place on Saturday, March 1 with the theme “Candy in the Land.” We stopped by one of the Jump Back Ball Shop Nights, where energy and excitement were abuzz as volunteers created and built the decor for the event. More than 90 volunteers have given their time at this year’s shop nights (totaling more than 720 hours!) to make the event’s décor, which includes more than 80 lollipops, 14 mini gumball machines, 40 wrapped candies, 30 wrapped chocolate morsels, 5 candy cane trees and 3 giant chocolate bars… in addition to many other larger projects!
Jump Back Ball Décor Co-Chairs Nicole DeChant and Alicia Trumbull are leading the enthusiastic volunteers at Shop Nights, and we spoke with them about their experiences with Partners.

PSQ: How long have you been a part of Partners?
Nicole: I’ve been coming to Jump Back Ball since 2012, but I officially joined Partners three years ago.
Alicia: I’ve been a part of Partners for two years, and I am also on the board.

PSQ: Tell us a little bit more about what happens at Shop Nights.
Nicole: At Shop Nights, we are building all of the décor for Jump Back Ball – everything and anything candy-related that you can think of! We want everyone who walks into the KeyBank State lobby to feel like they are in a candy factory!
Alicia: We’ve been working with the Jump Back Ball Co-Chairs on bringing this theme and their vision to life. We’ve been shopping since Halloween to prepare, and we actually have a Pinterest board with more than 130 pins with ideas, trying to get inspiration for décor wherever and whenever we can! For Shop Nights, we’ve printed instructions for all of the volunteers that attend so that each project can easily be completed for the big event.

PSQ: What is your favorite part of Jump Back Ball?
Nicole: My favorite part is getting to dance on a Playhouse Square stage. It’s not a perspective that you get very often, unless you are performing!
Alicia: I think my favorite part is getting dressed up for Jump Back Ball! I first attended the event in 2020, and I didn’t realize the level that people went to in order to embrace the theme, especially with costumes! Now I try to figure out how to incorporate black tie and each year’s theme with my outfit.

PSQ: Why should young professionals consider getting involved in Partners?
Nicole: It’s the best opportunity to meet people who you would not normally meet in your day-to-day job, and you might not have met them otherwise. You get to network with other people in different industries, and everyone that is a part of Partners is so friendly. I also did theater growing up, so it’s great to have that aspect be a part of this group.
Alicia: This is a great opportunity to be involved in a community atmosphere. As a previous theater kid who did stage crew, it’s really cool to get behind-the-scenes looks and talk with industry professionals through Partners’ activities. Even here at Shop Nights I feel like I’m a part of stage crew again! Plus, Playhouse Square is such a worthy organization to support.
For more information on Partners and Jump Back Ball, visit