Inspired by the Broadway show, COME FROM AWAY performing this week at Playhouse Square, our staff members at Playhouse Square are spreading kindness around the community through participating in The Summer of Kindness Challenge created by Values in Action Foundation.

Earlier this week, we sat down with Stuart Muszynski, C.E.O of Values in Action Foundation to speak about the importance of spreading kindness, The Summer of Kindness Challenge and his personal connection to the show COME FROM AWAY.
Hi Stuart, thanks so much for taking the time to speak with us today! Can you tell us about yourself and the values-in-Action foundation?
First, let me say what a privilege it is to be here. my wife Susan and I are long-time patrons of Playhouse Square, and we are such fans of the amazing and inspiring shows you share with the Cleveland community. Thank you for having us and for showcasing values-in-action and our Kindland movement.
Susan and I co-founded the organization as “project love” 30 years ago. at the time, it was a single school workshop that discussed with students the importance of kindness, caring, and respect. since then, our school programming has expanded into over 4,900 schools in all 50 states, reaching over 2,100,000 students.
Can you tell us what inspired you to begin the kindland movement? How DID the summer of kindness challenge begin?
The Kindland movement was developed with the realization that schools are just one part of our kindness ecosystem. We acknowledged that to create cultures of compassion, empathy, and positive change, we also needed to spread our messages throughout businesses and communities, and Kindland was born.
Kindland relies on the power of the people to do, recognize, report, and share the acts of kindness happening every day; it creates a ripple effect of kindness and inspires others to do the same. The Summer of Kindness is just one way that we can encourage individuals to perform additional acts of kindness. The program is a fun way to engage adults and children in some summer fun while making an important difference. You wouldn’t believe how many grandparents do the program with their grandchildren! It’s a positive and rewarding activity that can keep people of all ages busy all summer! Plus, there are amazing prizes – which are a bonus, because the real reward is how kindness makes people feel!
How many years has values in action foundation been doing the summer of kindness challenge?
This is our 3rd year of the summer of kindness, but values-in-action has been providing schools and northeast Ohio communities with kindness programming for the last 30 years.
How can Clevelanders participate in the summer of kindness challenge?
Visit and print off your challenge board. Do the acts of kindness, mark them off, and then submit your completed form online or by mail by August 16th.
Can you explain the impact of spreading kindness?
There is a science behind the benefits of kindness and the positive effects it can have in many aspects of our lives. Kindness is known to reduce depression and anxiety, increase happiness, increase life span, decrease substance abuse, increase learning, and increase workplace productivity. In general, when people are happy, better things can happen.
The Broadway show COME FROM AWAY is here at Playhouse Square August 13-18. Can you explain your connection to the show?
COME FROM AWAY tells the true story of the people of Gander, Newfoundland, Canada and their actions in welcoming 7,000 stranded passengers on 9/11. For their extraordinary kindness, in 2018, values-in-action awarded the town of gander our “rescuer of humanity award” at our annual values matter dinner. The people of Gander are our friends, and we’re thrilled to see their incredible stories on stage.
Can you tell us how you have been inspired by the town of gander and their efforts in helping the come from aways?
The people of Gander welcomed the come-from-aways with open arms and immeasurable kindness at times when the world was scared and uncertain. Their acts of kindness changed lives and impacted many from all parts of the world. We are inspired by their selfless humanity and unweaving support of those who needed help. They embody everything that Kindland stands for and wishes to achieve in our own communities – people coming together – without question - to make a positive difference.
Is there anything else you would like the audience to know?
To everyone who sees the show, we hope you enjoy it and come away with a renewed sense of humanity and hope. It is a reminder that there is goodness and kindness in the world, and we need to recognize and celebrate it when we see it so we can inspire more of it! Thank you!